Outside In and Everything In Between



OCT 15th - NOV 13TH, 2022

FEATURED ARTISTS: Ann Tarantino, Jacinta Bunnell, Harrison Nir, and more.

The fall colors are seeping through the last of the summer’s green, and the whole of the Hudson Valley seems to be contemplating winter’s arrival early this year. 

“Outside In and Everything In Between” is a new installation series at ArtPort Kingston that participates and parallels the natural act of turning inward as the weather turns downward.

We are building up layers, as the natural order reminds us. 

Layers of leaves on the Earth.

Layers of textiles on our bodies.

Layers of mindful, reflective thoughts and emotions. 

As we prepare to layer on another year. 

Underneath the towering ceilings of the Cornell Steamboat building, smaller enclosures have been erected to house experiences where mediums such as sound, light, and textile come together to create intimate art-chitectures. 

Stepping into these various environments, visitors are invited to add a layer around themselves and their perspectives, turning a little further inward towards themselves, organically invited to rest and rejuvenate, before shedding that layer and returning into the expansive shell of the broader gallery. 

“Outside In and Everything In Between” offers a new way to experience ArtPort Kingston’s industrial gallery in the Cornell Steamboat Building and invites our visitors and community to consider art as a necessary, evocative part of creating layered spaces that facilitate the nurturing, reflective, seasonal processes vital to our wellness.