We Are All In This Together

October 10-Nov 22,2020

ARTISTS : Doreen McCarthy, Alexandra Hammond, Kirsten Hassenfeld, Jacinta Bunnell, Jennifer Dalton, Ann Tarantino, Patricia Tewes Richards and continuing on view with works by, Mary Ann Strandell, Roxanne Faber Savage, Stefan Saffer, Jeila Gueramian, Susan Rowe Harrison, Karlos Carcamo, Dan Devine, Michelle Weinberg and Christine Stiver.

We live in difficult and challenging times that demand we be flexible, spontaneous, compromising, caring, and innovative solving a multitude of issues collectively as a society. What is our communal awareness. What do we all have in common, what are our goals as individuals shaping our community in diverse ways. What matters to us? Is it voicing opinions, taking action? How can extreme differences and experience come together to embrace life and possibility just as it is now?

Art in times of crisis is often seen as superfluous, hopeless and unimportant though history has shown it can be a catalyst, we can all learn from art. Art that highlights contrasts, creates crazy combinations, bringing the most outrageous opposites to shape an object that has the power to touch each of us individually. Artists are not afraid to engage, marching forward into unknown territory, not concerned with playing with dangerous and challenging elements. Take a moment to think of something in modern society that invites us to immediately share our opinion about our experience. Art; hate it or love it is an invitation to engage and be involved. We think of “Art” as being harmless but the power to initiate a thought, a comment, or a reaction in a constructive and creative way can be life altering and life affirming. Art simply reaches out to initiate change and debate, it can often have a significant impact that goes deep and wide. If an artwork makes us think even for only one second it is to our benefit.

The exhibition “ We Are All in this Together” welcomes everyone, of any belief, any political leaning, color, gender, mood, social background or origin because we are all one and we are all in this world together. Share in a moment of OTHERNESS together. We look forward to hearing your other thoughts and other feelings.